A Look Back at 2016

Last year, I posted a list of my goals for 2016. Let’s take a look and see how I did. (As I’m typing, I have not read these yet, so this could get interesting. 1. I will write two new manuscripts (at least). I did this one! SWEET REALITY was written in its entirety in 2016. […]

My Goals for 2016

I can’t quite believe another 365 days has slipped past me, but no matter how many times I double-check, my calendar still says it’s 2016. I can’t believe it. Shouldn’t I have a flying car by now? Well, flying cars and hover boards may still be a distant dream (those modified Segways don’t count), but […]

You Won’t Believe These Amazing Things I Did in 2015!!

Well, it’s that time again. Another year has flown by, and the end of 2015 is upon us. So, let’s take a look at all the fantastic things I accomplished over the past 365 years. Created my first (and last) clickbait headline (see above). Successfully consumed at least 550 liters of pure oxygen. Passed my […]

Eggfree, Single-Serving Cookie Dough

I know what you’re thinking – what does this post have to do with writing? And I have exactly two things to say to that: You don’t know me AT ALL. It’s my blog, and I want to write about cookie dough today. 😛 Now that we’ve cleared that up, I want to share something […]

Mind Over Matter: Believe In Yourself

About ten years ago, while working full-time and getting a post-graduate degree in the evenings, I developed pain in both arms and shoulders. Since my day job required typing literally the entire time I sat at my desk, and I took course notes via laptop, I was soon diagnosed with a repetitive stress injury. Cue […]

Being Awesome, Week 23

This may be my last one of these posts for a while. Things are going well, and while I definitely think it’s important to remember the good things in life, I’m also really busy and it’s getting harder and harder to make time to stop and write them all down. I definitely encourage you to […]

Being Awesome, Week 22

I just spent a week on vacation with most of my closest friends, so this week’s overview of life’s awesome things is pretty easy. Kentucky joins my list of states I’ve visited (too tired to count, but I think I’m over 30 by now). There’s a gift shop in the Detroit airport that sells Tim […]

Being Awesome, Week 20

Oh, hey! I’ve spent the last twenty weeks appreciating the better things in life. My attitude has improved dramatically. And that’s pretty cool. Here are just a few of the awesome things that have been going on. On Sunday, I spent the day with friends who live two hours away. We don’t see them nearly […]

Being Awesome, Weeks 18-19

I was sick most of last week, so I missed my weekly affirmation. Decided it was better to just rest than to try to put it up late. Anyway, lots of good things happening. Here’s my supersized list of awesome things I’m grateful for this week. I’m not sick this week! Party! *knock on wood* […]

Being Awesome, Week 17

Here’s a look at some of the awesome things that happened over the past week. Two friends got married on Saturday in a wonderful ceremony under an arch made of books. How awesome is that? And I couldn’t be happier for them. The wedding was held in New England, a few hours away. We got […]

Being Awesome, Week 16

Here’s a peek at some of the good things that happened during the past week. Grass is growing on our front lawn! It’s not all brown and dead anymore! And there’s no massive hole around where the For Sale sign was (which, for some reason, it was at least 8x the size of the post). […]