Being Awesome, Week 6

So much awesome this week, this could be a very long blog post. And you know what? GOOD! The fact that I have so many great things to talk about that it could take awhile only shows that my rededication to being awesome is working.

  1. My sister had a baby! This is so very exciting. All of the nieces and nephews on my side of the family are teenagers (or were, until last weekend), so it’s been a long time since we had a new baby.
  2. I officially transferred from Jen Karsbaek to Michelle Richter at Fuse Literary. This move benefits everyone, and I’m really excited about Michelle’s vision for my books and my career overall.
  3. This happened: 
    I am DinoLaura, hear me roar!

    The Indianapolis children’s museum has a section where they have fake eggs in a nests. There are dinosaur vests (much cuter than this) and gloves for kids, so they can dress up and hatch the eggs. Alas, adults are only allowed to play dress-up. Two seconds after this picture was taken, a three-year-old stole my bib.

  4. There is a place in Indianapolis called The Flying Cupcake. They have a cupcake with Cadbury mini eggs! If you don’t know how amazing this is, you must not be following me on Twitter. Seriously, if you’re anywhere near Indy, drop whatever you’re doing and go. Go now.
  5. They also have a chocolate chip cookie dough cupcake! (See above re: not following me on Twitter).
  6. Despite all the other amazingness going on, I managed to add 10,000 words to my WIP and have passed 40,000. I’d like to thank the lack of anything to do on airplanes for this unexpected and amazing accomplishment.
Tell me about your awesome week in the comments.
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