My Querying Stats

Many people saw my Getting the Call story when it was initially published after Query Kombat. (If you didn’t, go read. It’s OK. I’ll wait.)

Here are my final numbers.

Queries Sent: 67
Fulls Requested: 14
Full Requests Due to Offer Nudge: 2 (included above)
Partials Requested: 3
Contest Requests: 10 (not included in partials)
Form Rejection/No Response: 33
Personalized Rejection: 7
Revise/Resubmit: 2
Materials Resubmitted: 2
Offers Received: 2
Bowed out due to Offer: 10
No Response to Offer Email: 13 (These were blind queries still outstanding and not part of the “No response” above.)
Time from 1st Query to Offer: 7 months

I sent 67 queries before I got an offer. The agent I signed with received the 23rd query I sent. Note that I sent 14 full manuscripts and only got personalized feedback on 7. It’s a long, hard road. But it’s so worth it when you get to the end. 

Don’t give up.

Posted in Blog.


  1. I wasn't getting any requests in the beginning, either. It may help to get another set of eyes on your query and first pages to see if you can pinpoint the problem.

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