Pick me! Pick Me! PitchWars 2017

Thanks for checking out my bio. I can’t wait to read your awesome words when the submission round starts. My wish list has changed, so please review carefully, even if you submitted to me last year. Here’s the basic bio:  Laura Heffernan is living proof that watching too much TV can pay off. When not watching total […]

A #PitchWars Guide to Interacting with Mentors, Part 2

Pitchwars is one of the most exciting contests of the year, both for mentors and prospective mentees. It’s a huge contest, and everyone wants to be a part of it. In this three part blog series, I’m going to take a look at ways that you can benefit from the contest through your interactions with […]

A #PitchWars Guide to Interacting with Mentors, Part 1

Pitchwars is one of the most exciting contests of the year, both for mentors and prospective mentees. It’s a huge contest, and everyone wants to be a part of it. In this three part blog series, I’m going to take a look at ways that you can benefit from the contest through your interactions with […]

How to Write a Romance

One thing I noticed reading my PitchWars subs this year (and talking to other mentors) was how many entries were submitted under the wrong genre. Personally, I was accepting both women’s fiction and romance, so it’s not the end of the world when an entry said the wrong one. However, I talked to some mentors […]

PitchWars Feedback Giveaway!

This year, I narrowed my wish list for PitchWars pretty significantly to help target submissions more toward my interests. I expected this would lower the total number of entries that I received – and it did, but not by much. At the end of the day, I wound up with more than 70 entries that […]

GUEST POST: An Agent’s Perspective on Pitch Wars and Other Contests

I’m so excited to have this guest blog from Jennifer Johnson-Blalock today. You all know I’m a total contest junkie, and I talk them up all the time. An agent has a very different perspective from me, both when I was a writer and now that I’m a host/mentor. Read on for some valuable insights. […]

This Is (Still) The PitchWars Mentor You’re Looking For

Thanks for checking out my bio. I can’t wait to read your awesome words when the submission round starts. My wish list has changed, so please review carefully, even if you submitted to me last year. Here’s the basic bio:  Laura Heffernan is living proof that watching too much TV can pay off. When not […]

This Book’s My Pitch: SIDEKICK

As you may be aware, I help host the PitchSlam contest run twice per year. Writers submit a 35 word pitch for feedback, then their first page for feedback, then both together for consideration for the agent round. The hosts, with a slew of talented readers, work to pick the most polished entries for the […]


As you may be aware, I help host the PitchSlam contest run every year by the amazing L.L. McKinney. Writers submit a 35 word pitch for feedback, then their first page for feedback, then both together for consideration for the agent round. The hosts, with a slew of talented readers, work to pick the most polished […]

CHASING CRAZY Cover Reveal!!

We’re so thrilled to reveal the cover of debut author Kelly Siskind’s CHASING CRAZY, which releases January 12th from Forever Yours! We absolutely can’t wait for everyone to get their hands on this new adult contemporary romance. Check out the beautiful cover below, read a sneak peek, and enter to win a $20 Amazon gift […]

This Book’s My Pitch!: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

As you may be aware, I help host the PitchSlam contest run every year by the amazing L.L. McKinney. Writers submit a 35 word pitch for feedback, then their first page for feedback, then both together for consideration for the agent round. The hosts, with a slew of talented readers, work to pick the most […]

Some (Non-Writing) Reasons I passed on PitchWars entries

I know that, as writers, we tend to assume the worst. We’re an emotional, sometimes needy bunch. So when you get a form rejection from anyone, the immediate response is “I’m a terrible writer.” You need to stop doing that. Many of the mentors, including myself, said that a pass does not necessarily have to […]