Five Things Preparing for my Debut Taught Me

My debut novel, AMERICA’S NEXT REALITY STAR, was published a couple of weeks ago. There’s so much excitement that goes into the days before the release, but there’s also a lot of work involved.  The past year has been a bit of a whirlwind for me. After all the time I spent looking for an […]

We Need to Do Better: Receiving Sensitivity Feedback

This entire blog can be summed up by a quote from one of my favorite books, Confessions of a Shopaholic:  “If you bother to ask someone’s advice, then bother to listen to it.” One of the manuscripts I recently completed is about the relationship between a trans woman and a demisexual woman. I did a […]

How to Write a Romance

One thing I noticed reading my PitchWars subs this year (and talking to other mentors) was how many entries were submitted under the wrong genre. Personally, I was accepting both women’s fiction and romance, so it’s not the end of the world when an entry said the wrong one. However, I talked to some mentors […]

15 Things No One Tells You About Being on Submission

There are about a billion blog posts out there about querying, which is a difficult and painful process for many people. But there aren’t that many blogs about submission, which sucks about a million times worse. I know what you’re thinking – how could anything be worse than querying? I’ve been there. I remember those […]


If you were on Twitter or Facebook last week, you may have already heard the news. If not, I am ecstatic to announce that I’ve signed a three book contract with Kensington’s Lyrical Press for my debut novel, REALITY STAR and two sequels! The first book will be available in March 2017, but you can […]

What I Learned Reading for a Literary Agent

For several months in 2015-2016, I read for a literary agent. I loved getting to read a wide variety of manuscripts, but I also gained valuable insight not only into what agents do, but into my own writing. Interning teaches you a lot about your own tastes. For example, I learned that I’m really not a fan […]

Word Count Woes (Yes, I have them, too)

Oh, word count. I can’t even begin to guess how many times you’ve heard me say those words. When we’re overwhelmed with awesome contest entries, or when there are so many we’re overwhelmed before even seeing how awesome many of them are, one of the easiest ways for me to thin the herd is to […]

Behind the Veil: A Peek Into Submission, Part 2

Last week, I posted the results of a survey I did, asking agented and formerly agented writers to anonymously share their submission experiences.  This week, I’m going to share some of the advice respondents gave for people going on submission for the first time.  Overall, the advice tended to follow a few major themes: Write […]

Behind the Veil: A Peek into Submission, Part 1

Submission is cloaked in secrecy. For those of you who don’t know, this is when agents send your book to editors to try to get a publication contract. It’s kind of like querying – but also very much not. Writers don’t talk about it much, because we’re not supposed to air every good and bad […]

Just Say No to Exclusives

Let’s talk about exclusives. For a person who wants to find an agent, sell a book, have a career, etc. exclusives are BAD. I’m not talking about when an agent says, “Is anyone else reading this?” That’s fairly common and usually fine. But when an agent says, “Send this to me and me alone,” ask […]

My Goals for 2016

I can’t quite believe another 365 days has slipped past me, but no matter how many times I double-check, my calendar still says it’s 2016. I can’t believe it. Shouldn’t I have a flying car by now? Well, flying cars and hover boards may still be a distant dream (those modified Segways don’t count), but […]


As you may be aware, I help host the PitchSlam contest run every year by the amazing L.L. McKinney. Writers submit a 35 word pitch for feedback, then their first page for feedback, then both together for consideration for the agent round. The hosts, with a slew of talented readers, work to pick the most polished […]